tom fogg
life coach
I am an experienced life coach, qualified through Animas, an ICF- accredited coach training programme.I help people turn the unconscious into conscious, the assumed into knowledge and their obligations into choices.I help people create better and more fulfilling lives for themselves.

1:1 coaching
This will help you understand and solve the problems you are creating.This will challenge you to do the Exciting and the Uncomfortable, just to see how you grow.This is a relationship of trust through collaboration.
coaching retreats
These 24 hour retreats jump start meaningful change.They take you back into nature, removed from the bustle and noise of normal life.We provide for your basic needs so you can take time to reflect on your past and decide on your future.The surroundings, the fire that holds the space, the food we cook upon it, the mindful activities, the coaching sessions, and crucially each group of 8 unique individuals create a space for you to explore and to grow.The effects of such an experience endure long after we part, spreading positivity throughout the lives of everyone you meet.
'Honest & open conversation without the need for small talk and a feeling of unity. It was incredible to experience the release of emotion from the individuals and the force with which they were able to express themselves.'
Stuart - 'Creator Retreat' Wiltshire
I learned to be more open to those closest to me, and to not bottle things up.
Kevin - Modern Man Retreat, Wilthsire

skills workshops
Group programmes to enhance communication skills in the workplace.Core coaching skills are taught and tested across three, half-day workshops.The emphasis is on real life application. Witness an immediate, positive impact on your team's dynamic.

'I wholeheartedly recommend Tom to someone looking for a compassionate and trustworthy coach. Anyone who works with him will be the better for it.'
David, Hospitality Manager, London
Tom is, simply, brilliant at what he does. His ability to listen at a very deep level, observe nuanced connections, and elucidate complexity enabled him to nurture major shifts in my limiting beliefs and take on a new career with real confidence.
Dan - Coder, Greece

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